Thursday 6 March 2014

...and it's Chemistry all over again!

So, I sat through my first physiology lecture and so I thought yeay! Something that could possibly be interesting - little did i know that it'll be chemistry all over again. The first lecture was all about like osmosis, tonicity (and all that jazz) then we'll be looking at bits and pieces of neurology, muscle and respiratory physiology and all the cardiovascular heart stuff - cool stuff! I'm hoping it won't be hell though but (obvs) that's wishful thinking. UGH, cry me a river, dee - I'm in uni, if anything, it'll only get harder. *SOBS DRAMATICALLY*

ANYWAY, that's enough boring talk. let's go on to the interesting bits.
I discovered this new god-like invention for lazy ass humans like myself.
Brace yourself,

Presenting the *New Vaseline intense care spray moisturiser*
Yeah, you heard it right, spray moisturiser

I bought the aloe soothe one - which is the one in the green bottle. I can't get over how easy it is to apply, how moisturising it is and how nice it smells. So, maybe I'm exaggerating. Well, it smells like their normal moisturiser, the only thing that is different is their application method. I hate like milky moisturisers - the ones that linger on your skin - that makes you feel like you're sticky all over. This one is ahmaaaaazing. Like it's non greasy, it feels really light on the skin - makes me feel like i'm on top of this world. I'm currently obsessed with it! I got it from priceline for about AUD$ 7.99 which is very affordable and I'll definitely keep on repurchasing it!

Also, a song that I've been dancing to while getting ready is:
OOOOH, I LOVE IT! *dances

Monday 3 March 2014

8 AM

(top: Cotton On; Jeans: Levi's; bag: MK;sunglasses: Ray Ban;books: typo)

Here we go again - morning classes *cheers to the start of second year!
So, I woke up at 530 AM and forced myself to stay up cause if I fall asleep, there is a high probability of me not going for my 8 AM class, which is compulsory because it's related to my clinic stuff which is a big deal (unfortunately!).
Anyway, got ready by 7 AM and left at 720. Took me about 20 mins to walk to uni from home, which was a damn achievement! I'm such a lazy ass but since it's a new year and I live relatively close to uni, I vow to make the effort to walk to uni and back! Wasn't a very pleasant walk to (uni) though cause it was so hot but it was pretty shady when I walked back home, which was very noiceee!
We had a 5 hour break in between our lectures today and it felt like foreverrrr. I did literally nothing and the lecture wasn't very interesting either but oohh hooo, lucky me, I've got a Crunchie bar (whose calorie was later burnt on the walk back home *wink) to keep me awake and I survived!!
Also, I baked a marble cake when I got home, my housemates liked it but I wish it could have been a tad bit sweeter but I'm pretty proud of it. OH, cut me some slack it was my first attempt *flips hair.
Looking forward for tomorrow though - there's going to be a physiology lecture, which (i hope) would be interesting!

Till then,


Saturday 1 March 2014

Bang Bang.

Currently listening to:

Back in Brissy

It's been awhile hey?
I haven't gotten any free time to update anything.
Anyway, I'm back in Brissy again - I've actually been back for a couple of weeks. Moved into a new house which is closer to uni. On the plus side, I'm living with girls this time around and they are all malaysians too (some common ground right there!).
So far, it's been pretty great. my housemates are pretty cool and they are really nice. I spent a few days getting my room together and I'm pretty pleased with it! Hopefully, I'll have time to take a couple of pictures!
The weather has been pretty hot but I hope it gets colder soon. Classes start this coming Monday - tbh, I was really looking forward to classes but when I woke up today, I was totally dreading it but hopefully, it'll all go well!

I'm enjoying my free time while it lasts though, watched 4 movies with the girls today - the first 3 Harry Potter sequel and The Bling Ring (which was completely meh).
It's a quarter to 2 and I should really get some sleep!