Monday 3 March 2014

8 AM

(top: Cotton On; Jeans: Levi's; bag: MK;sunglasses: Ray Ban;books: typo)

Here we go again - morning classes *cheers to the start of second year!
So, I woke up at 530 AM and forced myself to stay up cause if I fall asleep, there is a high probability of me not going for my 8 AM class, which is compulsory because it's related to my clinic stuff which is a big deal (unfortunately!).
Anyway, got ready by 7 AM and left at 720. Took me about 20 mins to walk to uni from home, which was a damn achievement! I'm such a lazy ass but since it's a new year and I live relatively close to uni, I vow to make the effort to walk to uni and back! Wasn't a very pleasant walk to (uni) though cause it was so hot but it was pretty shady when I walked back home, which was very noiceee!
We had a 5 hour break in between our lectures today and it felt like foreverrrr. I did literally nothing and the lecture wasn't very interesting either but oohh hooo, lucky me, I've got a Crunchie bar (whose calorie was later burnt on the walk back home *wink) to keep me awake and I survived!!
Also, I baked a marble cake when I got home, my housemates liked it but I wish it could have been a tad bit sweeter but I'm pretty proud of it. OH, cut me some slack it was my first attempt *flips hair.
Looking forward for tomorrow though - there's going to be a physiology lecture, which (i hope) would be interesting!

Till then,


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