Sunday 26 January 2014

A little like Belle

Today's post is of beauty and books - a little bit like Belle from Beauty and the beast!
You can never actually limit yourself to buying just one product even if that's what you intend to do in the first place. You just can't (unless you're dead broke!)
I honestly just wanted to buy my eyebrow pencil from Bobbi Brown but I ended up buying 2 other products and so did mum, and we ended up with a couple of free gifts. SCORE!

The Natural Brow Shaper & Hair Touch Up 
[colour: Mahogany 3]
This one is a little bit like the Benefit Gimme Brow. I would say it serves the same purpose and it looks exactly the same in terms of the brush as well as the product. I've been thinking about getting the Benefit Gimme Brow just cause I think it works wonders - super natural on beautiful threaded/plucked/waxed eyebrows. When I discovered that Bobbi Brown has a product just like that, I literally jumped for joy. Also, Bobbi Brown is kind of my preferred brand so I decided to settle for the Bobbi Brown one. I tried it on today itself and I was in love with it!

The Tinted Eye Brightener
[colour: Light to Medium Peach 7]
I've been wanting to buy this product because I don't own any concealers and I'm not a full face make up chick but I wanted something to cover up my dark circles when I go out and so I thought, what could be a better product than a tinted eye brightener? - A Tinted Eye Brightener! So excited to try it. Now I won't have to look like a zombie when I go to class in the mornings! (Also with it, I purchased a concealer brush)

The Eyebrow Pencil
[colour: Mahogany]
I don't really have much to say about this product other than it being probably the one and only best eyebrow product for me. Others may have their own preference but this is definitely mine. I can never get enough of it. This is my fourth pencil that i've repurchased and definitely going back for more! (also this was the only item I wanted to buy from Bobbi Brown! - #failure)

The Free Gifts!!
- Bobbi Brown Holiday Eye Palette 
- Bobbi Brown Extreme Party Mascara 
- Bobbi Brown Smokey Eye Mascara
- Bobbi Brown Rose Sugar Lip Gloss
- Bobbi Brown Make up Bag
 Aren't they all so lovely!

And books I bought that I'm keen to read! Thinking of one to start on right now but I can't pick - but surely I will!

Now, I'm going to go ahead and catch up on some TVD. My bestfriend, Amalina has been going on about how good the latest episode is and I can't wait to watch it!


Thursday 23 January 2014

Depotting Lipsticks

So, I decided that I wanted to depot my lipstick because one of my favourite lipsticks broke. Instead of depotting one, I thought, maybe I should depot others that don't really get much love. I kinda enjoyed doing this except for the waiting part (didn't like that bit!) but it was good fun.

How to:

1. Prepare everything.

[you will need]
- small pot to store in your lipstick
- mini ladle/spoon to melt your lipstick in
- wet wipes and tissue to clean stains etc.
- candle to heat the lipsticks
- sticker paper/sharpie to label
- lipsticks that you want to depot
- small knife/scrapper to scrap out your lipstick

2. Sanitise everything! from your utensils to your hands.
3. Light up the candle.
4. Label your pots.
5. Use your small knife to scrap out your lipstick into the mini ladle/spoon.
6. Place the mini ladle over the candle and make sure the fire does not come into direct contact with the ladle.
7. Wait for a couple of seconds or minutes (1-2) till your lipstick is fully melted
8. Pour it in the pot.
9. Wait for a couple of seconds/minutes and your lipstick will solidify in no time!

TADAAAAA!!! Your lipstick is ready to use!


Monday 20 January 2014

Mac & Inglot

Today, mum and I had to run some errands in the city. The day started off pretty badly cause we had no car. BIL (brother-in-law) had to go to work and his car wouldn't start, so he had to use my car and dad had to go to work too, so he took his car, which left mum and I with no car to head to the city. So, we settled for Malaysia's very 'efficient' public transportations. If you live in Malaysia, you would know why I inserted inverted commas to the word efficient. BUT, to my surprise, it was actually pretty efficient. Despite the walking we had to do - I didn't mind but mum had a little trouble because of her condition but we managed and it was no where near as tedious or as horrible as we thought it would be. One thing that sadden me is the courtesy of our fellow Malaysians. The same everywhere, we'd have to prioritise the elderly, the disabled as well as pregnant mothers but Malaysians couldn't care less and as I watched, the foreigners were way more courteous to others as oppose to our fellow Malaysians. It was really really disheartening. Nonetheless, the ride was pretty comfortable, they upgraded the trains and we didn't go during peak hours so we were safe from the crowd of horror!

Anyway, since we were in the city, I decided to have a look at some of the cosmetic stores that were nearby where we were headed. I settled for some Inglot and Mac items. I've watched reviews on Inglot and I've been wanting try it and today is the day I made my first Inglot purchase!

The Inglot Freedom Palette
I for one, am in love with the packaging for some reason. I think it looks elegant with the magnetic cover and stuff. It's good stuff - really cool! The colours i purchased were - 327M (bottom right), 337M (top right), 407P (top left), 450P (bottom left). "M" stands for Matte and "P" stands for Pearl which indicates the shadow's finish. The shadows were very well pigmented - I have yet to see how long it lasts on my lids but I'm sure it'll do wonders. Also, Inglot's pricing is super reasonable. I was surprise to find out that their shadows are selling at RM30 for 2.3g of product! Mac is selling their shadows at RM 65 for 1.3g of product. You get a whole extra gram for half the price! HELL YEAH! Definitely purchasing more Inglot palettes in future!

MAC Satin Lipsticks
I bought 2 MAC lipsticks. Tbh, I've never owned any MAC lipsticks and these babies were my first MAC purchase. Both lipsticks have a satin finish and they lean more to the pinky-berry tones. Swatches below - Rebel A43 (top) and Captive A53 (bottom). The texture is ahhh-mazinggg. Rebel stains more compared to Captive but then again, I don't worry too much about it cause afterall it's not a stain, it's a lipstick! Mum bought one too - Twig A79. It has a satin finish. It's similar to Captive but not as pinky-berry. It has slightly more of a brown hue to it. Keen on purchasing more MAC lipsticks *dances*

MAC False Lashes [False Black] Mascara
I wanted to try a new mascara. I'm currently using the Chanel Inimitable Extreme Mascara and I've repurchased the exact same mascara (twice) cause it's god-like! It doesn't clump, it's rinsible and it creates wonders! But then I thought, a change wouldn't harm. I consulted one of the face artists at MAC and she suggested the False Lashes mascara because she loves it and she says that it's amazing. So, I figured, "why not give it a try!"

Inglot Eyebrow Pencil [503]
I'm used to the Bobbi Brown eyebrow pencil because I'm obsessed with the texture. It comes in a pencil form (obvs) but it's powdery and you can build it up as you like and I love it! I find it hard to love other eyebrow pencils just because the texture sometimes can be too waxy to deal with. The inglot one is in between, it's not too powdery and it's not too waxy. Since I'm a little skeptical about it and I'm still a little biased towards my Bobbi Brown eyebrow pencil, mum is going to give it a try first and if she doesn't like it, she'll give it to me but I'll definitely give it a try too!

Overall, it was a good day. Going to go ahead and enjoy some A&W for dinner!


Sunday 19 January 2014

It's a Sundate

So, my boyfriend (Musz) and I decided that we wanted to grab breakfast but then he couldn't get up by 10, we opt for lunch instead. I was craving for banana leaf rice and where else would I get me some banana leaf fix other than the usual - Raju's. I haven't driven around that area in awhile so I missed the exit - had to make a u-turn and somehow found a new way to get there. Little did I know that the place was under construction but they didn't shut it down or whatever, they were still running, it's just that, the place got a little smaller but the food still tasted the same! OH, will you just look at the picture. I'm defo going to miss this!

Then, we wanted to go do something fun rather than just going to the mall - watching a movie, window shopping and all that. Nehh, we wanted to do something we've never done before together. So, on the highway, as we drove around, just a million and one ideas popped to mind (butterfly farm, the science museum, aquaria etc.) and we settled for the bird park. Hey! It was one of the top 10 things to do in KL (featured on the Times website!). The last time I went there was probably when I was 12(?) Anyway, the memories were a little fuzzy and definitely no regrets! I had so much fun! And a plus point - the toilets were surprisingly cleaaaaaaan! *insert some ridiculous dance emoticon*

OOHHH, and a little video I put together - bits and pieces from the bird park!

By far, one of the best dates I've had!


Thursday 16 January 2014

Growing up

The happy endings in movies are just silver linings that we all want to believe in. I mean, don't get me wrong, some people do have their fairy tale endings - It isn't impossible, it just takes effort (a lot of it). See, that's what they lack off in the silver screens. Yeah, I get it, movies are created for entertainment purposes and all that jazz. But you see, movies that we once saw as a child or even a teenager were the ones that gave us hope. Like, lesbihonest, anyone growing up watching the famous disney princesses, wanted to be nothing less than a princess. The Princess Diaries - one day a normal girl living in the attic, the next day, a god damn princess who almost owns a whole country or whatever it is that she owns. LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That movie totally haunted me for months. I just sat there waiting for someone to come over in a limo just to tell me that I am actually a princess. That's complete BS. I'm 21, and that shit hasn't happened to me yet. And like just all the other lovey-dovey sappy movies. You don't just fall in love at first sight (though, it does happen - damn all those lucky bitches) - you actually have to work on it. Reality is a bitch and unfortunately, it is the real deal. Movies seem to just skip on the hard parts and focus on like the happy parts (eventhough that's the whole point) but we sometimes, brush it aside too.

To fall in love -
It takes up a lot of you. It sometimes consume you as a whole. You've got to be confident, empathetic, loving, caring and all the sugar and spice that makes everything nice. Damn, you can't even love yourself to the fullest (unless you're a victoria secret model or Beyonce), and yet you'd have to find it in you to love and care for the other person. Heck, falling in love is actually a full time job you signed up for subconsciously. You feel me? I'm not saying that I'm an unhappy lady that will grow old with 27 cats but what I'm saying is that, to love someone, to be with someone takes effort. You don't just go with the flow and if things don't turn out right, you resolve to the "It's just not meant to be" cliche. Honestly, it took me awhile to grasp that concept, but really, take a step back and soak it in. If you want that shit so bad, you'd get off your ass and work for it. If it's not working out, that's okay, you come up with an alternative and no regrets cause if it still doesn't work out at all and you've tried everything you can, at least you know, you've given it your best so you don't go on saying "Oh I should've done that". Just like that Bruno Mars song "I should've bought you flowers and held your hand" Like, bitch you had your chance, you be wastin' it on something else. NAHT MA PRABLEM. Really though, I know I'm one to say, but I'm working on it. You get what you give. It's all about give and take - compromise, work around each other's flaws and everything else. It's not about possession or revenge and all that negative shit. It's about embracing each other and committing 110% to one another. EFFORT - With God's will, both, you and your partner's effort will guarantee you a long lasting (and a happy) relationship.

To live the student life -
To graduate, that's probably not a problem. Everyone can do it, like just as long as you finish your course (no matter how long it takes). To graduate with good grades, that's the problem. Times now aren't like the old times. Reality is - more and more people can afford education now, which is a good thing but along with that comes the competition. People strive to be the best and everybody wants to attain a well-paying job. So, you'd have to be the creme de la creme to succeed. That puts every individual under pressure. Just when you're trying to juggle your grades, you'd have to think about other expenses. If you're still living with your parents while you're in uni, good on you! logistics, bills, food are all well taken care of but if you're living alone and you're overseas, you'd understand the pain that i'm feeling. To be honest, I'm not very good when it comes to saving money. So, I go dry at the end of every month with probably only AUD$ 0.02 in my bank account (literally). I have no income of my own and I depend on my allowance every month. I would work if I could but the course I'm doing doesn't really give me the flexibility option to squeeze in free hours to work (unfortunately) and if I do work during the weekends, I don't want to have to prioritise work over my studies. I am afterall, working on increasing my cgpa to apply for a scholarship or at least a study loan and (sadly), I'm not a genius. So, it's tough. you really got to work through it. I could barely count the number of breakdowns I've had since I enrolled in uni. You've also got to think about your working options - as if thinking about uni itself isn't already overwhelming. Like where are you going to work, what is your salary going to be like and everaythaaaaang elseeeeeee. You'd never thought it'd be this hard hey? I know I didn't.

The real world -
I haven't really entered the working world just yet but my boyfriend has. Although he is working in a totally different field, I believe somehow, the process would be somewhat similar. Other than having to be the best to obtain a well-paying salary, you'd have to be street smart as well. What's the use of all your certificates and distinctions if you can't communicate with your colleagues/clients. You pretty much have to be an all rounder to get your name out there. Also, probably at this moment in your life, you'd start thinking about settling down, getting your own place and all that "exciting" stuff! Guess what? ALL OF THAT requires money. AAAAANNNDDD, where would the money come from if you're not being paid well. To add on to that, nothing is free. The prices of everything is increasing (if you're a Malaysian at least). I can't even.

Why didn't anyone warn me that it's going to be hard. So, I could stop playing "grown ups" and actually live my life as a happy child and enjoy every bit of my childhood (not like I didn't but yeah...). ALSO spend part of my childhood hibernating (not really) cause I'm sure y'all know that, we, adults don't get much sleep - Barely, I would say. But, whatever, you can't stop time. As the famous saying goes "Time waits for no man or woman" So, in the end of the day, all you gotta do is suck it up and deal with it because that's what grown ups do.


Sunday 12 January 2014

Shopping Haul

Collective haul - Gardens & KLCC with mum and dad.
Purchases and thoughts. I'm definitely a happy girl!

Michael Kors

Jet Set Multifunction Saffiano Tote
What I love about this bag is the size. My aim is to bring it to uni and it's big enough to fit almost everything from files to macbooks. I love the colour as well. There weren't a wide variety of colours to choose from, but the grey one definitely caught my eye. It's pretty pricey, however, I believe that it's worth it as leather bags usually lasts you a couple of years if its well taken care of. I can't wait to use it and I'm very pleased with my purchase!


LM Metal Tote (for le sissy)
This tote differs slightly from the Le Pliage longchamp tote. First off, the material of the two bags are different. the LM Metal is made out of cotton canvas while the Le Pliage is made out of nylon canvas which absorb stains as oppose to the cotton canvas material. In addition to that, the LM metal has a metallic coating which makes it easier to clean too. The inner lining of the LM Metal is fabric as oppose to the Le Pliage which has kind of a rubbery inner lining. The salesperson also said that the Le Pliage is made in China while the LM Metal is manufactured in France. That got me convinced that the LM Metal is off better quality than the Le Pliage. There is definitely a price difference, of about approximately RM 100 (compared with the Large Le Pliage Tote). The downside to the LM Metal tote is that it only comes in 3 different colours (Gold, Platinum, Black). I settled with the Platinum colour as I think it suits my sister best!

Charles & Keith

Medium Tote
This was a gift from mum, she figured that I deserved a new bag cause my previous Charles & Keith purchase was a couple of years ago and I've already used the bag to death. It's white so, of course, the bag is as dirty as ever and a little out of shape? haha. Anyway, I bought something similar and so far, I'm loving the bag! This baby, has been out twice!

The Flexx

I'm not entirely sure what it's called but I got a pair of full leathered ankle boots. Been hunting for boots for awhile now to wear during winter. Since i'm not a big fan of boots, it was pretty hard searching for a pair. I became very fussy but nonetheless, boots at The Flexx were simple and nice. Fun Fact about shoes from The Flexx - as the brand name suggests, It's flexible! So, that's definitely a plus on comfortability! I'm very excited to wear them out!


Bought a jacket for winter and a pair of slacks for formal wear. Them slacks were probably one of the most comfortable pair of pants I have ever owned besides the god-like uniqlo jeggings that I live by. I have to say that GAP in Malaysia is definitely overpriced, but during sales, you get a pretty good bargain!

Next, I'm definitely looking forward to get my hands on the naked 3 and the original naked palette. The naked 3 has been out of stock for awhile now and Sephora Malaysia receives new stocks every Wednesdays and Thursdays. I've already reserved 2 - one for a friend and I really hope the restock it very soon! :D


Wednesday 8 January 2014

Would You?


After all, it is the experience that matters most, hey? And what about all the memories for keepsake? I guess, I'd say, the best memories are the ones that are truly lived. I mean, no doubt that technology has brought us to great heights - being able to capture every last detail of your most precious moments and endless selfies (even that zit you've tried your best to hide, just kidding!) but really though - just take a step back and ask yourself this:
"If you're too busy trying to capture the perfect moment for keeps, are you really living the perfect moment in reality?"
I admit, sometimes, I get too absorbed in technology, wanting to document almost everything, but in the midst of all that, I stray away from the true essence of that particular moment. I mean, get this, you're at the beach, trying your best to get a good shot of yourself, and if you're anything like me, you'd probably just spend 20 minutes getting a good angle, actually taking the picture, editing it and finally posting it on instagram. Looking back, you just wasted 20 mins of actually appreciating the goods that comes with reality. The simplest and the littlest things in life do matter - like listening to the rhythm of the sea and just living the moment, enjoying yourself, soaking in the sun. I mean, if you actually take a moment to appreciate it, you might just find it absolutely surreal. agree?

So, yes, HELL YES, I would still want to travel to that country, even if I could not take a camera with me! 


Tuesday 7 January 2014



Totally forgot - It was Princess Iman's birthday yesterday. I kept thinking her birthday falls on the 12th of this month! Anyway, this little girl is growing up pretty fast, she's 3 now. Can't wait to see her all grown up, she's going to be absolutely beautiful!

Saturday 4 January 2014



Every new year gets less exciting than the last. It's probably because it hits you, that a part of growing up actually sucks. I'm turning 21 in about 6 months - man, time sure flies, faster than anything now. It's about time to focus on more realistic goals and new year resolutions. I've got 3 years ahead of me till I graduate with a degree and by then, I hope to be the best version of myself.

Despite the cruel reality that comes along with the celebration of a new year, I actually had an amazing new years - spent it with the one person that truly makes me happy and loved and I couldn't have asked for more!

Looking forward to a good year!